
Delving is done in a party of specialists. A class represents the particular skills, abilities, or talents that make the Character valuable to the party.

The three base classes are Expert, Mage, and Warrior. Each of these base classes has its own HP Progression, attack progression, and Feat advancement.

There are two kinds of classes: full classes and Partial classes. You may choose a single class, committing completely to that class’ profession. Alternatively, you may pick two Partial classes, mixing their abilities.


Experts gain the widest variety of non-combat skills and are the quickest to learn more of them.

Experts roll 1d6 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats
1 +0 1 Non-Combat + 1 Any
2 +1 +1 Any
3 +1  
4 +2  
5 +2 +1 Any
6 +3  
7 +3 +1 Any
8 +4  
9 +4  
10 +5 +1 Any

Class Ability: Masterful Expertise

Once per Turn, a Expert may reroll any non-combat skill check as an Instant action. This allows the Expert to make a roll and then immediately use this ability if the resulting total isn’t good enough to succeed. In cases where it matters, the better of the two rolls may be used.

Partial Experts do not receive this ability.

Class Ability: Quick Learner

When you advance a character level, you gain an extra Advancement Point which may only be spent on gaining or improving non-combat Skills or raising Attributes.

Partial Experts do receive this ability.

Partial Expert

A Partial Expert is treated just as a full Expert, including gaining the benefits of the Quick Learner ability. They do not have the Masterful Expertise ability, however, as they lack the versatility of a full Expert.

Partial Mage/Partial Expert

Partial Mage/Partial Experts roll 1d6 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats
1 +0 1 Non-Combat + 1 Any
2 +1 +1 Any
3 +1  
4 +2  
5 +2 +1 Any
6 +3  
7 +3 +1 Any
8 +4  
9 +4  
10 +5 +1 Any

Partial Warrior/Partial Expert

Partial Warrior/Partial Experts roll 1d6+2 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats
1 +1 1 Combat + 1 Non-Combat + 1 Any
2 +2 +1 Any
3 +2  
4 +3  
5 +4 +1 Any
6 +5  
7 +5 +1 Any
8 +6  
9 +6  
10 +7 +1 Any


The Mage class is a general header under which all Characters with supernatural powers or spellcasting ability are placed. Choose a specific Arcane Tradition to follow - High Mage, Healer, Elementalist, etc.

Mages roll 1d6-1 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats
1 +0 1 Any
2 +0 +1 Any
3 +0  
4 +0  
5 +1 +1 Any
6 +1  
7 +1 +1 Any
8 +1  
9 +1  
10 +2 +1 Any

Partial Mage

A Partial Mage is treated as a Mage, and picks an Arcane Tradition for their powers. That tradition’s abilities will be more limited for Partial Mages, however, as described under each of the paths.

You may pick the Partial Mage class twice for two different magical traditions. In this case, use the following table instead of the one listed in the partial class.

A Partial Mage/Partial Mage rolls 1d6-1 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats Max Level Spells Cast Spells Prepared
1 +0 1 Any 1 1 3
2 +0 +1 Any 1 1 4
3 +0   1 2 5
4 +0   2 2 6
5 +1 +1 Any 2 2 8
6 +1   2 3 9
7 +1 +1 Any 3 3 10
8 +1   3 4 12
9 +1   3 4 13
10 +2 +1 Any 4 5 15

Partial Expert/Partial Mage

A Partial Expert/Partial Mage rolls 1d6 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats
1 +0 1 Non-Combat + 1 Any
2 +1 +1 Any
3 +1  
4 +2  
5 +2 +1 Any
6 +3  
7 +3 +1 Any
8 +4  
9 +4  
10 +5 +1 Any

Partial Warrior/Partial Mage

A Partial Warrior/Partial Mage rolls 1d6+2 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats
1 +1 1 Any + 1 Combat
2 +2 +1 Any
3 +2  
4 +3  
5 +4 +1 Any
6 +5  
7 +5 +1 Any
8 +6  
9 +6  
10 +7 +1 Any


Born to the blade, gifted with a superb capacity for physical violence.

A Warrior rolls 1d6+2 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats
1 +1 1 Any + 1 Combat
2 +2 +1 Any
3 +3  
4 +4  
5 +5 +1 Any
6 +6  
7 +7 +1 Any
8 +8  
9 +9  
10 +10 +1 Any

Class Ability: Killing Blow

Whenever a Warrior inflicts damage with any attack, spell, or special ability they add half their character level, rounded up, to the damage done. This damage is also added to any Shock they inflict.

Combined with Feats meant to improve Shock attacks such as Armsmaster, Close Combatant, or Shocking Assault, this ability ensures that an experienced Warrior will almost always kill any ordinary human soldier or minor monster, regardless of their attack roll result.

Partial Warriors do not get this ability.

Class Ability: Veteran’s Luck

Once per Turn, as an Instant Action, the Warrior may convert a missed attack they have made into a hit. Alternately, they may convert a successful attack against them into a miss, also as an Instant Action. This ability is particularly lethal when used with the Make a Snap Attack action against weaker monsters, ordinary human warriors, and spell casters.

Partial Warriors do not get this ability.

Partial Warrior

A Partial Warrior gains certain of the benefits of a full Warrior, including the improved HP Progression and a somewhat improved attack bonus. They do not have the Veteran’s Luck special ability or the Killing Blow power, however, and must trust to their own talents to land blows and crush their enemies.

Partial Mage/Partial Warrior

A Partial Mage/Partial Warrior rolls 1d6+2 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus Feats
1 +1 1 Any + 1 Combat
2 +2 +1 Any
3 +2  
4 +3  
5 +4 +1 Any
6 +5  
7 +5 +1 Any
8 +6  
9 +6  
10 +7 +1 Any

Partial Expert/Partial Warrior

A Partial Expert/Partial Warrior rolls 1d6+2 for HP Progression.

Level Attack Bonus  
1 +1 1 Combat + 1 Non-Combat + 1 Any
2 +2 +1 Any
3 +2  
4 +3  
5 +4 +1 Any
6 +5  
7 +5 +1 Any
8 +6  
9 +6  
10 +7 +1 Any