Welcome to Sovereign!

This game endeavors to provide a ruleset that allows players to play through adventures compatible with 1980s D&D. Little conversion should be necessary. The game hopes to be written more clearly, be more searchable, better hyperlinked, have more depth, and boast a better in-game economy.

Table Of Contents

Name Starting Level Ending Level Room Count
Aberrant Reflections 1 4 22
Anomalous Subsurface Environment #1 1 3 ?
B2 - Keep on the Borderlands 1 3 95
B5 - Horror on the Hill 1 3 101
Barrow of the Elf King 1 1 9
Beneath Dark Elms 1 3 15
Borshak’s Lair 1 2 29
Castle Xyntillan 1 6 295
Kraken Corpse Delve 1 3 22
Secret of the Black Crag 1 5 ?
Star Spire 1 2 8
Statues 1 4 ?
Stonehell 1 7 1611
T1 - The Village of Hommlet 1 3 122
The Black Wyrm of Brandonsford 1 3 32
The Blackapple Brugh 1 3 44
The Bruja, The Beast and The Barrow 1 2 8
The Darkness Beneath - Upper Caves 1 3 24
The Dragon’s Heart 1 3 18
The Evils of Illmire 1 2 226
The Great Mansion Heist 1 2 ?
The Hideous Halls of Mugdulblub 1 1 33
The Hole in the Oak 1 2 60
The Incandescent Grottos 1 2 60
The Necropolis of Nuromen 1 1 30
The Obsidian Keep 1 3 ?
The Seers Sanctum 1 4 ?
The Sinister Secret of Peacock Point 1 1 25
The Sunken Fort 1 4 80
The Vanilla Adventure 1 1 ?
The Vaults of Volokarnos 1 1 19
The Well of Frogs 1 2 30
Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier 1 1 18
Winter’s Daughter 1 3 19
Witches of Frostwyck 1 4 22
Ascent of the Leviathan 2 4 32
B10 - Night’s Dark Terror 2 4 ?
Beyond the Gates of Sorrow 2 4 19
Bonepicker’s Tower 2 4 ?
Down the Smugglers’ Walk 2 6 40
Fabien’s Atelier 2 4 19
Hideous Daylight 2 2 36
Mines, Claws & Princesses 2 4 80
The Dragon’s Gullet 2 5 50
The Four Wives of Xantun 2 4 ?
The Hecatomb of Morthevole 2 4 12
The Mysterious Manor 2 4 ?
The Pit in the Forest 2 3 ?
The Singing Caverns 2 4 50
The Temple of Polyphema 2 4 25
The Tombs of the Whispering Worms 2 3 15
The Withered Crag 2 3 36
Xanadu 2 3 33
Bastard King of Thraxford Castle 3 ? 19
Bottomless Pit of Zorth 3 5 65
C1 - The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan 3 7 ?
Gilded Dream of the Incandescent Queen 3 6 40
Gorge of the Unmortal Hermit 3 5 13
Grave of the Heartless 3 4 12
Guests of the Beggar King 3 5 24
Halls of the Blood King 3 5 37
Imperial Vault 19 3 3 8
Kellerin’s Rumble 3 5 ?
Many Gates of the Gann 3 5 120
Orbital Vampire Tower 3 3 17
Peril in Olden Wood 3 5 ?
Plunder of the Stone Sacks 3 5 ?
Revenge of the Frogs 3 5 17
Shrine of the Small God 3 5 30
Sision Tower 3 5 ?
Temple of 1000 Swords 3 3 19
Terror on Tridentfish Island 3 5 36
The Castle that Fell From The Sky 3 5 40
The Cauldron 3 7 ?
The Creeping Terror 3 ? 22
The Enchantment of Vashundara 3 4 21
The Forest of Gornate 3 5 82
The Frost Spire 3 3 9
The House under the Moondial 3 4 ?
The Hyqueous Vaults 3 3 67
The Palace of Unquiet Repose 3 5 ?
The Red Prophet Rises 3 5 43
The Singing Stones 3 5 23
The Temple of the Blood Moth 3 5 31
The Waking of Willowby Hall 3 3 28
The Wavestone Monolith 3 3 9
Vault of the Mad Baron 3 5 ?
Yrrtwano’s Repose 3 5 ?
City Of Bats 4 6 50
Cloister of the Frog-God 4 6 92
Date of Expiration 4 7 45
Standoff at Sandfell Sea Fort 4 7 ?
The Barbarian King 4 6 42
The Gallery of Rising Tombs 4 6 71
The Swine Lord 4 6 11
The Tomb of Ali Shulwar 4 6 66
The Wandering Glade 4 6 39
Trollback Keep 4 7 ?
Webs of Past and Present 4 5 39
A Shadow Over the Greatwood 5 7 ?
Castle Sullogh 5 9 55
Darkness at Nekemte 5 6 70
Fractious Mayhem at Melonath Falls 5 8 44
From Beneath The Glacier 5 7 21
Secrets of the Wyrwoode 5 7 ?
Skalbak Sneer: The Stronghold of Snow 5 7 57
The Chalice of Blood 5 6 12
The Dragons Secret 5 7 30
The Dreaming Caldera 5 6 27
The Mud King of Stoney Creek 5 7 28
The Sepulchre of Seven 5 7 40
The Temple of Hypnos 5 5 21
WG4 - The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun 5 10 ?
Battle for Carrion Vale 6 7 30
Eyrie of the Dread Eye 6 8 ?
The Lost Treasure of Atlantis 6 8 ?
Scorchfire 7 9 ?
Surgerock Vault 7 9 9
S3 - Expedition to the Barrier Peaks 8 10 ?
The Keep of the Broken Saint 8 10 60
Tomb of the Twice-Crowned King 8 10 55
D1-3 - Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Drow) 9 10 ?
G1-3 - Against The Giants 9 10 ?
S1 - Tomb of Horrors 10 10 ?

Change Log





All of the above changes are the result of lovely feedback from u/TheIncandenza



































Sovereign is built on a (much reduced) chassis of Worlds Without Number; taking its feat system, classes, spells, and combat. We sprinkle in ACKs 2e’s top-notch economy. Many of the spell name changes are from this community spreadsheet.