Page numbers are a reference to Osric.

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Name HD Page Type
Bandit 0 (1d6) 194 Men
Brigand 0 (1d6) 194 Men
Berserker 0 (1d6+1) 194 Men
Buccaneer 0 (1d6) 194 Men
Pirate 0 (1d6) 194 Men
Dervish 0 (1d6) 195 Men
Nomad 0 (1d6) 195 Men
Pilgrim 0 (1d6) 196 Men
Mechant 0 (1d6) 196 Men
Dwarf 1 197 Demi-Human
Elf 1+1 197 Demi-Human
Gnome 1 198 Demi-Human
Halfling 0 (1d6) 198 Demi-Human
Batrachian 1 199 Humanoid
Frog Man 1 199 Humanoid
Bugbear 3+1 200 Humanoid
Caveman 2 200 Humanoid
Tribesman 2 200 Humanoid
Gnoll 2 201 Humanoid
Goblin 1-1 201 Humanoid
Grimlock 2 202 Humanoid
Hobgoblin 1+1 203 Humanoid
Kobold 0 (1d4) 203 Humanoid
Lizard Man 2+1 203 Humanoid
Orc 1 204 Humanoid
Troglodyte 2 204 Humanoid
Cyclops 13 205 Giant
Cloud Giant 12+1d6+1 205 Giant
Fire Giant 11+1d4+1 206 Giant
Frost Giant 10+1d4 206 Giant
Hill Giant 8+1d2 207 Giant
Stone Giant 9+1d4 207 Giant
Storm Giant 15+1d6+1 207 Giant
Ettin 10 208 Giant
Ogre 4+1 208 Giant
Troll 6+6 209 Giant
Giant Troll 8 209 Giant
Giant, Two-Headed Troll 10 210 Giant
Ice Troll 2 210 Giant
Spectral Troll 5+5 211 Giant
Black Dragon 6 to 8 211 Dragon
Blue Dragon 8 to 10 212 Dragon
Brass Dragon 6 to 8 212 Dragon
Bronze Dragon 8 to 10 213 Dragon
Copper Dragon 7 to 9 214 Dragon
Gold Dragon 10 to 12 214 Dragon
Green Dragon 7 to 9 214 Dragon
Red Dragon 9 to 11 215 Dragon
Silver Dragon 9 to 11 216 Dragon
White Dragon 5 to 7 216 Dragon
Babau 7+14 217 Demon
Class A Demon 8 218 Demon
Vrock 8 218 Demon
Class B Demon 9 218 Demon
Hezrou 9 218 Demon
Class C Demon 10 219 Demon
Glabrezu 10 219 Demon
Class D Demon 11 219 Demon
Nalfeshnee 11 219 Demon
Class E Demon 7+7 220 Demon
Marilith 7+7 220 Demon
Class F Demon 8+8 221 Demon
Balor 8+8 221 Demon
Demonette 6+1d6 221 Demon
Demoniac 4+1d4 222 Demon
Dretch 4 222 Demon
Ekivu 7+2 222 Demon
Fly Demon 7+2 222 Demon
Kullule 1 223 Demon
Demonic Hordling 1 223 Demon
Quasit 3 223 Demon
Shub 5+1 224 Demon
Succubus 6 224 Demon
Uduk 6+6 225 Demon
Nipheribu 1 226 Devil
Ashashimu 1 226 Devil
Nishershimu 1 226 Devil
Assagim 1 226 Devil
Barbed Devil 8 226 Devil
Barbicale 8 226 Devil
Bearded Devil 6+6 227 Devil
Barbazu 6+6 227 Devil
Tothmys 6+6 227 Devil
Thissuzim 6+6 227 Devil
Bone Devil 9 227 Devil
Osyluth 9 227 Devil
Gerotephys 9 227 Devil
Calcinnim 9 227 Devil
Devilcat 7+2 228 Devil
Erinyes 6+6 228 Devil
Horned Devil 5+5 229 Devil
Cornugon 5+5 229 Devil
Malibranchai 5+5 229 Devil
Ice Devil 11 229 Devil
Imp 2+2 230 Devil
Lemure 3 230 Devil
Black Scaly Devil 8 230 Devil
Blue Scaly Devil 5+1 230 Devil
Green Scaly Devil 6 230 Devil
Red Scaly Devil 4+2 230 Devil
White Scaly Devil 7 230 Devil
Shaitan 6+6 231 Devil
Styx Fiend 6+6 231 Devil
Spiked Devil 3+3 231 Devil
Pit Fiend 13 232 Devil
Soul Worm 1 232 Devil
Clay Golem 12 237 Golem
Flesh Golem 9 237 Golem
Iron Golem 18 237 Golem
Stone Golem 14 237 Golem
Werebear 7+3 237 Lycanthrope
Wereboar 5+2 237 Lycanthrope
Wererat 3+1 237 Lycanthrope
Weretiger 6+2 237 Lycanthrope
Werewolf 4+3 237 Lycanthrope
Brownie 0 (1d4) 240 Fae
Centaur 4 240 Fae
Dryad 2 240 Fae
Faun 5 251 Fae
Satyr 5 251 Fae
Leprechaun 0 (1d4+1) 241 Fae
Nixie 0 (1d4) 241 Fae
Nymph 3 242 Fae
Pixie 0 (1d4) 243 Fae
Quickling 2 243 Fae
Sprite 1 244 Fae
Sylph 3 256 Fae
Treant 6+1d6 256 Fae
Animated Tree 12 256 Fae
Unicorn 4+4 245 Fae
Banshee 7 245 Undead
Groaning Spirit 7 245 Undead
Coffer Corpse 2 245 Undead
Ghast 4 246 Undead
Ghost 10+4 246 Undead
Ghoul 2 247 Undead
Lich 12 247 Undead
Mummy 6+3 248 Undead
Poltergeist 0 (1d4) 248 Undead
Shadow 3+1 249 Undead
Skeleton 1 249 Undead
Spectre 7+3 250 Undead
Vampire 8+3 250 Undead
Wight 4+3 251 Undead
Zombie 2 251 Undead
Juju Zombie 3+12 252 Undead
Ape 4+1 252 Animal
Carnivorous Ape 5 252 Animal
Axe Beak 3 253 Animal
Baboon 1+1 253 Animal
Badger 1+2 253 Animal
Giant Badger 3 253 Animal
Bat 0 (1d2) 253 Animal
Giant Bat 0 (1d4) 253 Animal
Mobat 3+1d3 254 Animal
Barracuda 0+1d3 254 Animal
Black Bear 3+3 254 Animal
Brown Bear 5+5 254 Animal
Cave Bear 6+6 254 Animal
Polar Bear 8+8 254 Animal
Bird 1 255 Animal
Huge Bird 2 255 Animal
Giant Bird 4 255 Animal
Boar 3+3 255 Animal
Giant Boar 7 255 Animal
Warthog 3 255 Animal
Camel 3 256 Animal
Giant Lynx 2+2 256 Animal
Crocodile 3 257 Animal
Giant Crocodile 7 257 Animal
Giant Crab 3 257 Animal
Giant Crayfish 4+4 257 Animal
Giant Moray Eel 5 258 Animal
Giant Electric Eel 2 258 Animal
African Elephant 11 258 Animal
Asian Elephant 10 258 Animal
Mammoth 12 258 Animal
Mastodon 12 258 Animal
Giant Gar 8 259 Animal
Giant Pike 4 259 Animal
Leviathan 24 259 Animal
Giant Frog 0+1d3 260 Animal
Hippopotamus 8 261 Animal
Hyena 2 261 Animal
Huge Hyena 3 261 Animal
Giant Hyena 4 261 Animal
Indricotherium 14 261 Animal
Jackal 1 262 Animal
Huge Jackal 2 262 Animal
Giant Jackal 4 262 Animal
Lion 5+3 262 Animal
Cougar 3+2 262 Animal
Prehistoric Lion 6+3 262 Animal
Giant Man O' War 0+1d4 263 Animal
Huge Rat 0 (1 hp) 263 Animal
Giant Rat 0 (1d4) 263 Animal
Rhinoceros 7+1d2 264 Animal
Wolly Rhinoceros 10 264 Animal
Shark 3, 5, or 8 264 Animal
Giant Squid 12 264 Animal
Giant Octopus 8 264 Animal
Tiger 5+5 265 Animal
Smilodon 7+2 265 Animal
Giant Toad 2+4 265 Animal
Giant Poisonous Toad 2 265 Animal
Giant Sea Turtle 15 265 Animal
Giant Snapping Turtle 10 265 Animal
Huge Weasel 1+1 266 Animal
Giant Weasel 3+3 266 Animal
Whale 12 to 36 266 Animal
Wolf 2+2 267 Animal
Dire Wolf 3+3 267 Animal
Wolverine 3 267 Animal
Giant Wolverine 4+4 267 Animal
Worg 4+4 268 Animal
Achaierai 9 268 Other
Aerial Servant 16 268 Other
Afreet 10 269 Other
Al-Mi’raj 1 269 Other
Amber Creeping Vine 3 269 Other
Amber Creeping Vine Zombie 2 269 Other
Ankheg 2+1d6 270 Other
Annis 9 270 Other
Giant Worker Ant 2 271 Other
Giant Soldier Ant 3 271 Other
Giant Queen Ant 10 271 Other
Aurumvorax 12 271 Other
Babbler 5 271 Other
Barghest 6+6 272 Other
Basilisk 6 272 Other
Giant Worker Honeybee 3+1 272 Other
Giant Soldier Honeybee 4+2 272 Other
Giant Bumblebee 6+4 272 Other
Giant Bombardier Beetle 2+2 273 Other
Giant Boring Beetle 5 273 Other
Giant Death Watch Beetle 9+1 273 Other
Giant Fire Beetle 1+2 273 Other
Giant Rhinoceros Beetle 12 273 Other
Giant Stag Beetle 7 273 Other
Giant Water Beetle 4 273 Other
Behir 12 274 Other
Blindheim 4+2 274 Other
Blink Dog 4 274 Other
Bulette 9 275 Other
Carbuncle 1 275 Other
Carcass Creeper 3+1 276 Other
Caryatid Column 5 276 Other
Caterwaul 4+2 276 Other
Large Centipede 0 (1hp) 277 Other
Huge Centipede 0 (1d2 hp) 277 Other
Giant Centipede 3 277 Other
Chimaera 9 277 Other
Gorgimaera 10+1 277 Other
Cockatrice 5 277 Other
Coeurl 6+6 278 Other
Couatl 2 278 Other
Crabman 3 278 Other
Crypt Thing 6 279 Other
Dakon 1+1 279 Other
Dark Creeper 1+1 279 Other
Dark Stalker 2+1 279 Other
Disenchanter 5 281 Other
Doppelganger 4 281 Other
Dracolisk 7+3 281 Other
Dragon Turtle 13 282 Other
Air Elemental 8, 12, or 16 282 Other
Earth Elemental 8, 12, or 16 282 Other
Fire Elemental 8, 12, or 16 282 Other
Water Elemental 8, 12, or 16 282 Other
Ettercap 5+1 284 Other
Executioner's Hood 2+1d4 284 Other
Eye of the Deep 11 284 Other
Giant Fly 3 284 Other
Giant Horsefly 6 284 Other
Violet Fungi 3 285 Other
Gargoyle 4+4 285 Other
Gelatinous Cube 4 285 Other
Genie 7+3 286 Other
Gorgon 8 286 Other
Grey Ooze 3+3 287 Other
Griffon 7 287 Other
Harpy 3 287 Other
Hell Hound 3+1d4 288 Other
Hippogriff 3+3 288 Other
Homonculus 2 288 Other
Hydra 5 to 16 289 Other
Invisible Stalker 8 289 Other
Jackalwere 4 290 Other
Kraken 20 290 Other
Lamia 9 291 Other
Lammasu 7+7 291 Other
Giant Leech 1-4 291 Other
Fire Lizard 10 292 Other
Giant Lizard 3+1 292 Other
Giant Monitor Lizard 8 292 Other
Giant Cave Lizard 6 292 Other
Locathah 2 293 Other
Lurker Above 10 293 Other
Manticore 6+3 293 Other
Medusa 6+1 294 Other
Fire Mephit 3+1 294 Other
Lava Mephit 3 294 Other
Smoke Mephit 3 294 Other
Steam Mephit 3+3 294 Other
Merman 1+1 295 Other
Minotaur 6+3 296 Other
Mongrelman 0+1d4 296 Other
Guardian Naga 10+1d2 297 Other
Spirit Naga 8+1d2 297 Other
Water Naga 6+1d2 297 Other
Necrophidius 2 298 Other
Nereid 4 299 Other
Night Hag 8 299 Other
Nightmare 6+6 300 Other
Nilbog 1-1 300 Other
Owlbear 5+2 300 Other
Otyugh 5+1d3 301 Other
Greater Otyugh 8+1d4 301 Other
Pegasus 4 301 Other
Phoenix 20 302 Other
Piercer 0+1d4 303 Other
Pseudo-Dragon 2 303 Other
Purple Worm 15 304 Other
Rakshasa 7 304 Other
Remorhaz 6+1d8 304 Other
Roc 18 305 Other
Roper 11 305 Other
Quartz Roper 6 305 Other
Rot Grub 0 (1hp) 306 Other
Rust Monster 5 307 Other
Sahuagin Warrior 2+2 307 Other
Female Sahuagin 2 307 Other
Sahuagin Hatchling 1 307 Other
Sahuagin Guard 3+3 307 Other
Sahuagin Warchief 4+4 307 Other
Sahuagin Priestess 1+1d5 307 Other
Sahuagin Baron 6+6 307 Other
Sahuagin Prince 8+8 307 Other
Sahuagin King 10+10 307 Other
Large Scorpion 2+2 308 Other
Huge Scorpion 4+4 308 Other
Giant Scorpion 5+5 308 Other
Sea Hag 3 308 Other
Sea Serpent 10 309 Other
Shambling Mound 7+1d4 309 Other
Shedu 9+9 309 Other
Shrieker 3 310 Other
Skeleton Warrior 9+2 310 Other
Slithering Tracker 5 311 Other
Green Slime 2 311 Other
Giant Slug 12 311 Other
Giant Boa 6+1 312 Other
Giant Adder 4+2 312 Other
Giant Cobra 4+2 312 Other
Giant Amphisbaena 6 312 Other
Androsphinx 10 312 Other
Criosphinx 9 313 Other
Gynosphinx 7 313 Other
Hieracosphinx 8 314 Other
Giant Spider 4+4 314 Other
Huge Spider 2+2 314 Other
Large Spider 1+1 314 Other
Phase Spider 5+5 315 Other
Giant Water Spider 3+3 315 Other
Squealer 12 315 Other
Stirge 1+1 316 Other
Stunjelly 4 316 Other
Giant Tick 3 316 Other
Titan 16+1d6 316 Other
Trapper 12 317 Other
Triton 3 317 Other
Vilstrak 0 (1d6) 318 Other
Volt 2+1 318 Other
Vulchling 1 318 Other
Giant Wasp 4 319 Other
Will-O-the-Wisp 9 319 Other
Wyvern 7+7 319 Other
Xorn 7+7 320 Other
Yeti 4+4 320 Other